Monday, August 22, 2016

An Unlikely Encounter
~from Kathy Chambers
On a Wednesday in September 2005 a man told his daughter that he wished he knew someone who could give him first hand advice and information about a major health issue that he was facing. That very evening John and I attended a LIFT program at our church (something we rarely had the opportunity to do).  At dinner we chose to sit at a table with a young family that we did not know (again, unusual). The young mother shared that she was very concerned about her father who was starting cancer treatment in Florida the next day. John asked what type of cancer. She said “It's for a rare form of cancer that you’ve probably never heard of… tongue cancer.” John's immediate reply was "I had tongue cancer! In fact, Kathy and I both have had oral cancer!” We were all completely flabbergasted and sat in disbelief! She contacted her Dad that night and gave him our phone number. He called us minutes later. John and I each shared our stories and answered his questions. He said later that he was so comforted from just having spoken to us. That night we were able to calm his fears prior to beginning treatment and we continued to stay in touch throughout his experience. We were given the gift of a friendship that continues today.
Often when I need reassurance of God's presence in my life I will think of  the events that led to this unlikely encounter. I believe that we are meant to use our experiences in life to help others along the way. This experience continues to remind me of how God orchestrates our lives and uses us sometimes even when we least expect it.

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